Monday, April 7, 2008

It's Raising Taxes

Presidential candidate Barack Obama doesn't talk about many of his political beliefs or, should he be elected,  his policies and plans.
One thing Obama does say is that he will increase taxes.
President Bush's tax cuts of 2002 set the capital gains tax at 15% and 0% for tax payers. As a result of this CUT the federal Treasury receipts rose from $49 billion in 2002 to $110 billion in 2006.
The capital gains were scheduled in 2002 to be stopped altogether in 2010 and then resumed in 2011 to previous levels with increases to 20% and 10%.
Democrats are anxious to cancel this tax cut and put your capital gains back to the levels paid before the Bush tax cuts. Income tax rates in 2011 will also revert to levels before the tax cuts.
The Democratic Congress, by continuing to do nothing about making the tax cuts permanent, will not even renew the Bush tax cuts let alone making permanent the tax-relief measures. If Democrats prevail in November elections they could even cancel the cuts before the automatic resumption in 2011. That's a tax increase by doing nothing.
You work hard for your money. Get involved in this endless campaign season. Understand what your candidates stand for and plan to do. Future Democratic tax increases will affect us all.
VOTE Republican
Vote FOR Marilyn Musgrave's re-election to House Dist. 4.
Vote FOR Bob Shaffer for Colorado Senator.
VOTE Republican

Information from daily newspapers including Wall Street Journal

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